Prime Minister conference in London (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit International leaders arrive at London Heathrow Airport for a conference on Downing Street in 1951 Full Description: ENGLAND: London: London Heathrow Airport: EXT HUGGINS J.M. (Premier of Southern Rhodesia.) Arrives at London Airport for Commonwealth Conference.. Speaks LONDON AIRPORT arrives bearing Sir Godfrey Huggins for Commonwealth politician, politicians, politics, diplomat, diplomats, diplomacy, aeroplane, aeroplanes, airplane, airplanes, airports Background: International leaders arrive at London Heathrow Airport for a conference on Downing Street in 1951 FILM ID: VLVACJONN8H80RCCIDTPTCVQ9AOZX To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pat
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