Python Django Crash Course 2021

Python Django Crash Course 2021. In this short course I will try and pack in all the basic concepts that will help you on your way to learning and mastering Django for rapid web development. At the end of this course you will have created a small website which you can then build on and expand your Django knowledge. This course is intended for beginners with the aim of quickly learning basic concepts of The Python Django framework Key Concepts Covered: Installations Starting and managing projects Models – building a database Dynamic Web Pages and Hyperlinks Django templates and working with images Python – Functions, Variables, Loops 00:00 Introduction What is Django? The key point here - as I already said was rapid development Django is a web framework - think of it as a collection of tools that help us developers quickly build or prototype web applications. Take a moment and think about websites in general - most have user logins, they require database access and data management. With Django, user managem
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