Production and sale of grain dryers #Construction_of_grain_drying_complexes

You can find out more about ordering, building this or this type of grain dryer, grain drying complex by calling Russia 7 920 117-04-05 Adalia, Belarus 375 29 828-32-89 Sasha, search for buyers of the harvest 7 909 433-29-96 Stanislav or (please write, not call, since I do not speak English). We also hope the information below will help you get the necessary and necessary knowledge about our grain dryers! The shaft type is the most energy-efficient type of grain dryer. All possible energy-saving options are implemented in our dryers: thermal insulation systems, heat carrier recirculation, vacuum drying, and others. A rich set of options allows you to create a unique package for each consumer, both for working with dried material with high initial moisture content, and for working in cold climatic conditions.
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