Benny’s From Heaven

A long time ago a second lieutenant named Spears Returned to the States after staying overseas three years His wife said, “Welcome home, Dear “but since you’ve been gone, you see “we’ve been blessed with a darling baby “and a cute little one is he“ She took the baby in her arms and said, “Benny is his name“ He said, “I’ve been gone away for years “Darling, won’t you please explain “so I won’t be so down “tell me where did little Benny come from?“ And everytime he asked she’d say “Benny’s from Heaven“ His face got red Still she repeatedly said “Benny’s from Heaven“ He says, “I’ve asked the neighbors “that come around. “No one seems to remember “Benny coming down“ Now he said, “About a little thing like this “I ordinarily would not bother “But, Baby, what little I know about children &qu
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