Eurovision | Top 46 Most Successful Countries (2010-2019)

Welcome to a new video! This one is more of a statistics video compared to the opinion/ranking videos I’ve posted before. READ THE DESCRIPTION if you want to know how I made this! The system I’ve used doesn’t take into account the points the countries received, but the places they came. I intentionally didn’t take a simple average placing as it’s unfair towards certain years- for example, 37th in 2018 (out of 43) means something drastically different to 37th in 2014 (dead last). INSTEAD I used a percentage based system: all 1st places count towards the average as 100%, all dead last places count as 0%, and all the places in between count as percentages fractionally in between 0% and 100%- these all depend on the number of countries that participated in the specific year. For example, 2nd place in 2018 gave Cyprus %, while 2nd place in 2014 gave the Netherlands %. I hope this makes sense! This is also how I’ve calculated each countries’ best and worst results (highlighted in green and red). Some
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