Architecture, art and design - 100 years of the Bauhaus (1/3) | DW Documentary

How has the Bauhaus school of architecture and design, Germany’s best-known art school, shaped the world we live in today? bauhausWORLD - The Effect (2/3): bauhausWORLD - The Utopia (3/3): The three-part documentary bauhausWORLD marks the 100th anniversary of the opening of Germany’s best-known art, architecture and design school, the Bauhaus. Exploring the legacy of this iconic German institution, our film crew traveled the world, meeting architects, artists, urban planners, doers and dreamers. Do the Bauhaus’s social ideals and design principles still shape how we live today? New approaches to education and training, architecture, painting, dance and design were explored and developed at the Bauhaus. Its founder and director Walter Gropius attracted the leading creative figures of the era, including Hannes Meyer, Mies van der Rohe, Lyonel Feininger, Oskar Schlemmer, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, László Moholy-Nagy, Anni Albers, Josef Albers and
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