Dancing Days - Led Zeppelin cover - Brian Tichy and Tony Franklin at Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp
A fun, casual jam at Rock and Roll Fantasy camp with rock star counselors, Tony Franklin and Brian Tichy! I was going through some vocal fatigue at this point, so I was blending in the STP version on my end, which omits the Robert Plant signature high notes. 😆
Drums - Brian Tichy
Bass - Tony Franklin
Guitar - Jonah Carden
Vocals - Chris Scheler
As you can see, Jonah and I had a great time jamming with this dream team of a rhythm section! Not that these guys need an introduction, but Tony “The Fretless Monster“ Franklin has played with The Firm, Blue Murder, Whitesnake and others. Brian Tichy has played with Billy Idol, Whitesnake, The Dead Daisies, Foreigner and others.
Dancing Days, Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy
Written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
#LedZeppelin #rockcovers #rocknrollfantasycamp #classicrock #rockandrollfantasycamp #rocknroll #briantichy #tonyfranklin #fretlessmonster #thefirm #bluemurder #billyidol #deaddaisies #foreigne