Places around town in French - Lieux en ville en français

In this video we will learn the names of different places around town in French. Some places are not listed here, so as usual if you have any question feel free to ask me. Here is the translation of French words and expressions seen in this video: l’école = the school (feminine word) l’hôpital = the hospital (masculine word) le supermarché = the supermarket la pharmacie = the pharmacy la boulangerie = the bakery la boucherie = the butcher’s shop la pâtisserie = the cake/pastry shop le cinéma = the cinema/movie theater le restaurant = the restaurant le fleuriste = the flower shop l’université = the university (feminine word) l’hôtel = the hotel (masculine word) le musée = the museum le marché = the market le parc = the park l’arrêt de bus = the bus stop (masculine word) la station de métro = the tube/subway station la gare = the train station la place = the square
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