free cheese is only found in mousetrap. If someone allows you to win easily, definitely..
lose lose, #freecheese is only found in a mousetrap. If someone allows you to win easily.. #harunarabaci freepeynir justfarekapanıdaolur #If it’s easy for you to win, it has bigger things to take from you.
lose, lose match game, strategy,# motivation ambition persistence, desire a lot of passion, Jose Mourinho on ,Victory, #Win and #Lose
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I never lost. Either I win or I learn.
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맛있고 다양한 대한민국 최고의 샌드위치, 에그드랍 베이컨 에그 샌드위치, 화덕빵 샌드위치, 베트남 반미 샌드위치, The best sandwich master in Korea