Worms 3D - Playthrough - [Part 1/3]

Worms 3D - Playthrough - [Part 1/3] =================== Used Mods: HD Icons E3 Demo 2003 Colors ==================== Full Play: - Tutorial and Campaign Levels: 0:00:00 - Atlantis Training Facility 0:03:20 - Down in the Dumps 0:06:35 - Return to Chateau Assassin 0:10:17 - The Mighty Kong 0:12:53 - Test Tubes 0:17:20 - L01. D-Day 0:21:57 - L02. Crate Britain 0:23:42 - L03. Grave Danger 0:26:04 - L04. A Leek in a Vegetable Patch 0:30:34 - L05. Ice, Ice, Maybe 0:33:10 - L06. When Annelids Collide 0:36:32 - L07. Rum Deal 0:37:56 - L08. Earn your Crust 0:40:41 - L09. Apple Core Island 0:42:11 - L10.... Helter Skelter 0:44:56 - L11. Take My Cherry 0:46:36 - L12. In Space, No-One Can hear You Clean 0:49:22 - L13. Shiver Me Timbers 0:53:23 - L14. Falling For You 0:55:46 - L15. Crop Circle 1:00:16 - L16. Tree Village Trouble 1:04:08 - L17. Movie Mayhem 1:08:08 - L18. Worm and the Beanstalk ===================== Links: Worms 3D Multiplayer MapPack - Worms 3D Multiplayer MapPack V4 - Worms 3D E3-Alpha Colors - Worms 3D - Complete Edition DEMO - Worms 3D Steam Community -
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