Keep Calm And Carry On

The well-liked tale concerning the Keep Calm And Carry On quote and its distinct record. A short film that tells the story behind the ’Keep Calm and Carry On’ poster. Its origins at the beginning of WWII and its rediscovery in a bookshop in England in 2000, becoming one of the iconic images of the 21st century. Film, music, script and narration by Temujin Doran. Concept and production by Nation. The well-liked Keep Calm And Carry On have its special beginning from the British area. The distinct Keep Calm and Carry On quote, as the most popular of the Keep Calm Quotes, is a catch phrase ...that initially showed up on a World War II-era British public protection signboard. After among the initial signboards was recuperated and positioned in a British bookshop in 2000, the motivational Keep Calm And Carry On Quote was shared online, triggering a s
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