My New Favorite Lick #2 | Israel Romero Inspired

To celebrate Israel Romero’s new EP “Discovery“ I decided to do a lesson around an Inspired lick that I came up with while jamming with him in the days of the 2018 NAMM show. It’s a modern/fluid sounding lick based around some hybrid picking moves that he likes to do. I actually came up with the lick by mistake; it actually came about by me playing one of his licks wrong. I loved the lick and the concept behind the lick that I decided to add it to my repertoire. Check out Israel Romero’s new EP “Discovery“ here: Check out Israel Romero’s Youtube channel: For Notation and Tablature click here: You can find the book at Amazon here: =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500377555&sr=8-1&keywords=the art of scale weaving Find the book at Barnes and Noble here:
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