Animating Arrays and Shapes in Eevee

A casual blender stream where we animate arrays and render different scenes using volumetric lighting in Eevee! If you want to support the channel: 0:00:00 Welcome! 0:01:47 Modeling array object 0:05:59 Array modifier setup 0:08:06 Eevee lighting 0:10:43 Animating the array rig 0:20:07 Duplicating the shape 0:23:21 Camera setup 0:27:53 Adding colors 0:34:52 Making foreground elements 0:45:33 Animating the first camera 0:49:06 Comparing Eevee and Cycles 0:50:49 Animating the second camera 0:57:27 Rendering array scene 1:05:29 Rigid body example scene 1:07:51 Fish eye camera setup 1:14:40 Looking at the final render 1:19:43 Talking about Polyfjord 1:23:43 New scene: Rigid body simulation 1:38:31 Playing around with lighting 1:50:09 Rendering simulation scene 1 ... 20210218 sxYZ2-Vhqi0
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