New Female Humanoid Robots for 2023 | PRICE REVEALED

New Female Humanoid Robots for 2023 | PRICE REVEALED Number 10. Sophia ($120,000) The very first humanoid robot to be on our list is Sophia. Sofia is a humanoid human female robot, developed by Hanson Robotics based in Hong Kong. She is a sophisticated humanoid robot who can see, sustain contact, follow faces and identify individuals. Number 9. Beomni 1.0 ($67,000) An AI-enabled robot (with striking similarities to Dr. Who), beomni 1.0 assists humans with a wide-ranging general array of things, like medical services and manufacturing tasks. Agriculture, etc. beomni 1.0 was unveiled at CES 2022 and is said to be the world’s first fully functional general-purpose robotic system. Number 8. Ameca ($133,000) Debuting as ‘The Future Face of Robotics’, Ameca is the world’s most advanced human shaped robot representing the forefront of human-robotics technology. It is designed specifically as a platform for development into future robotics technologies. In fact, she is
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