Sunlight - Romantic Saxophone Music, Love Story, Memories

Relaxing Ambient Music presents Romantic Relaxing Saxophone music. Background for Stress Relief, Massage, Spa, Healing, Love and total Relaxation Mind and Body. Enjoy and relax with romantic saxophone music... Beautiful, revitalizing, harmonizing music to help restore emotional balance. Прекрасная, восстанавливающая, гармонизирующая музыка помогающая вернуть эмоциональный баланс. “There is a shift in point of view and perception in - I do not like the word hope, - but into something like that, full of possibilities, and of Life Itself! It’s like another space between heaven and earth, their connection, Unity. And the listener finds himself in this new space-dimension right there with the sounds of music, heavenly singing, the most gentle flute ... and something else ... opening layer after layerI mean that all this opens not with a chord or something, not together, but like a flower - petal by petal ... “ - Olga Karklin - “Происходит
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