Tigers of Choy Lee Fut - Serng Sao Do 双手刀 (Double Handle Broadsword)

During the Sino Japanese War the Soldiers on both sides would use swords on the battlefield, when in close quarters or running out of bullets. The Japanese sword (Katana) was very strong and would cut through many of the Chinese soldiers swords and weapons of the time. The double handle broadsword was developed to combat the Japanese and many martial art teachers were brought in to develop the skill of the soldiers. When in combat the Chinese sword would cut after or aim for the arms of their opponents, Many drills were developed and the soldiers were able to make a huge difference in the war. In the video are a few basic drills from our set. Upward, downward and angular cuts, all with the intention of either attacking or countering. Looking to learn Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu? Interested in online training?
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