How to make crepe paper Cactus Flower

TOOLS & MATERIALS: PVA glue Scissors Bamboo Skewer Ground Tumeric 180GSM vanilla crepe paper 60GSM white crepe paper 16Gauge wire INSTRUCTIONS: Paper grains are vertical with height. Dimensions are HxL. - Cut 1 piece of white paper, (1x2“), fringe as shown. Twist the fringe, then attach around one end of the wire stem. Secure with PVA glue. - Cut 1 piece of vanilla paper, 5x5cm (2x2“), stretch then fringe as shown. Twist the fringe then attach onto stem at about 7cm (“) under the top of stem. - Cut 3 pieces of white paper, each at 7x20cm (“), fold then cut out petals as shown. Attach onto the base of flower center, layer by layer. - Cut 1 piece of vanilla paper at 7x10cm (“), stretch to double the length. Fold, cut, curl then attach as shown. - Using vanilla paper strips, wrap and thicken stem. More tutorials in my book - FLOWERSMITH Connect with me on Inst
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