Look Out All Tanks (1961)

Look out all tanks. Warminster, Wiltshire. L/S men on firing range with tanks in the background. M/S the men with officer looking through field glasses he turns to the rocket firer who picks up his sights. C/U the solider looking through the sight. L/S two of the vigilant rockets on the ground one is fired at 66 camera pans with it and it hits a tank far in the distance. M/S soldier running with one of the rocket and he stops and starts to prepare it for firing. L/S tank. M/S the soldier preparing the rocket. C/U the rocket in its housing M/S the soldier making sure that the cable is secure to the firing apparatus. C/U The soldier with firing apparatus he looks through the sights. M/S the rocket it is fired. L/S tank a rocket comes into picture. L/S tank a rocket comes into picture it hits the tank, which comes to at stop. L/S two rockets ready for firing. M/S one is fired, camera pans with it and it hits the tank. Cataloguer’s note: According to paperwork the weapon is known as the Vickers Vigilant
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