Cinematic shots with small sensor cheap camcorder

Blurry bokeh backgrounds with a consumer camcorder? YES!! I LOVE camcorders!! Here is an example of the type of cinematic shots you can get with a cheap consumer camcorder. try and use a camcorder with a sensor or at least 1 2/3 which is a bit smaller than 1“. One inch sensors are even better, but 1 2/3 is what I’m using here and I’m STILL getting a cinematic bokeh look with blurry background and cinematic telephoto compression. The one I am using here is a Panasonic VX981, which they don’t sell anymore, and I am not saying to necessarily get this exact model, just try and get one with at least a 1 2/3 sensor. The point of the video is you DON’T need expensive cinema cameras to get cool shots. If you’re on a budget, you can still get great shots. Enjoy! Subscribe and tell your friends about MarkusPix. Our Health channel is ​ The Markus and Cara Instagram page is ​ Cara’s
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