Cleopatra. The name alone conjures up images of a woman of unparalleled beauty, draped in the finest silks, ruling with an iron fist. But let’s face reality. She was more than just a pretty face with a penchant for eyeliner. This woman was a political genius, a master manipulator, and quite possibly, the best lover in history. Yes, you heard it right. Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, was not just ruling a kingdom; she was ruling the hearts of the most powerful men of her time. And how did she do it? Well, that’s a story worth telling. So let’s dive into the world of political intrigue, scandalous affairs, and power plays. Welcome to the life of Cleopatra, the woman who turned love into an art form. ___________ Cleopatra. Born in 69 BC, Cleopatra was not just Egyptian royalty, but a cocktail of various cultures. Greek by descent, she was the first in her family to actually speak the Egyptian language. Raised in the opulence of the Ptolemaic co
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