Hanna & Caleb | Teenage Dream (1x18)

Watch in HD. No copyright infringement intended. SPOILERS FOR 1X18. Yayyy, new fandom? I can’t really say ’new fandom’ as i’ve been watching this show since it started in June I just haven’t vidded it before and I’ve finally found a reason too. HOW EPIC ARE THEY? I know everyone loves Hanna/Lucas but I just like them as friends. She doesn’t feel that way about him and until she does, I don’t think I can ship them. Anyways, back to the video. Hanna/Caleb are so cute. Hanna is my favorite character along with Spencer and Caleb is just awesome. This is really short but they don’t have many scenes. I just wanted to do something. Oh and I know this song is so overused but I’ve been wanting to vid it for a long time so yeah. Enjoy! xoxo Also, how is the coloring?
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