Baby Seal [THICCUTE] Seal Pup Making Cute Noises!

Curious baby seal as it fearlessly approaches cameraman!! If you enjoyed, please like, comment and share! thank you! [Why do baby seals come up to humans?] Baby seals, like many young animals, may approach humans for various reasons, although this behavior can be influenced by a combination of natural instincts and environmental factors. Here are a few possible explanations for why baby seals might approach humans: Curiosity: Young animals, including baby seals, are often naturally curious about their surroundings. When they encounter something new, like a human, they might approach to investigate and learn more about their environment. Mistaking humans for parents: Baby seals rely heavily on their mothers for protection and care. Sometimes, they may mistakenly approach humans, especially if they see a human figure as a potential source of comfort or protection, similar to how they would with their mother. Hunger and food: If a baby seal is hungry or in need
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