Palestinians come together to care for orphans of the conflict

A displaced Palestinian man, Hussein Dwina, takes on the role of caretaker for an injured child in Gaza’s Al Shifaa Hospital while awaiting the arrival of her relatives. The child, with injuries to her face and body, has unidentified parents who may or may not still be alive. Dwina and hospital staff have been looking after her, with the hope that someone will come forward to claim her, but if they don’t, the child will have a home to go to… or several. ‘We are all her parents, not only me but all those around me here,’ Dwina said. ‘Three women here are demanding to take care of the child, why? Because we are standing shoulder to shoulder and love each other. ‘She is safe with us and all our houses are open to her and to all wounded children.’ Dwina and the hospital remain determined to locate her family and reunite them.
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