When Saturn Was Our Sun and Moon with David Talbott
Unused interview footage for the feature documentary Breaking the Science Barrier: The Electric Universe’s Bold Push Against “Big Science“.
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00:06 - When We Think of the Sun, We Think of a Flaming Body. How Can Saturn Have Been The Primeval Sun?
02:04 - So After 150 Years, What Happened to Decipher the Meaning of These Ancient Texts?
04:11 - So Saturn Was Not Like the Giver of Light, and the Grower of the Crops, As Our Sun is Today?
05:46 - Explain to Us How Ancient People Could Have Seen a Crescent When There Was No Moon?
08:14 - Why is Saturn No Longer So Close to the Earth?
08:45 - What Happened to Make the Gods Go Away?
09:38 - How Do You Apply This Knowledge to Our Lives Today?
10:52 - And Did These Cataclysms Leave Humanity Wounded?
Is the Universe actually run by electromagnetism, and gravity a mere negligible force? Is Einstein wrong, and are black holes, dark matter, and the Big Bang just fantasies? Is our solar system a recent phenomenon, having gone through a devastating cataclysm recorded by ancient peoples in what were considered myths, but could be actual history?
A community of scientists, scholars, and researchers known as the Electric Universe has been presenting evidence for these ideas for decades. Mainstream institutional science, however, dismisses their work, labeling it “pseudo-science”. Is it because these current institutions would diminish in power and position if these ideas are proven true?
This documentary chronicles the history of the Electric Universe community, touching on the basic tenets of their beliefs. Breaking the Science Barrier shows the importance of community in creating change, and the nature of the entrenched institutions that oppose innovation because it threatens their current power, status, and most importantly government funding. The interviewees describe the lack of innovation in science today, despite the enormous sums of money pouring into projects that yield few results. The consequence is that our current science is holding back the revolutions that would create the technologies that could provide solutions for the many problems humanity faces today.
Featuring Wal Thornhill & David Talbott
Also, Dr. C. J. Ransom, Dr. Donald Scott, Ev Cochrane, Dr. Bill Mullen, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Stephen Crothers, Peter Moddel, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, and Dr. Bjorn Ekeberg
Created by Fritz Heede and Nijole Sparkis
Writer Nijole Sparkis
Music Fritz Heede
Nlightning artZ Productions
To learn more about the scientists and their findings, see
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