Splatoon 3 on PC (Full Version)

Splatoon 3 on PC (Full Version) We played Splatoon 3 for more than two weeks after its release to try to answer this question and tell you if and for whom it is worth it. You can check out the details below! Unfortunately, the updates that brought new features and the popular Splatfests for Splatoon 2 stopped happening in 2019, just two years after its release. Anyone who usually plays online titles knows that this is practically a death sentence for games of this type, and the announcement so soon of Splatoon 3 only made this situation stranger. After all, what could be added in this new iteration that couldn’t be made available to its predecessor through an update or paid DLC? As soon as you open Splatoon 3 for the first time, it’s hard not to be reminded of its predecessor immediately, not least because the game itself looks for data saved from it to offer you some bonuses in the new game. This feeling remains for much of the experience, especially when it comes time to pla
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