Slender Fortress - LowTierGod [MODified Boss Rounds]
[KR] Slender Fortress NxN’s IP:
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Heyo Everyone!!!
So it’s time to tackle on a secret thing that got added during the “You must be happy“ Update a while back, and that is a new Mod Boss! That being LowTierGod! He can be only obtained throught the Special Round MODified Bosses or an admin forcing him in. This boss has been made by LeoNN’ie.
So LowTierGod, while being a mod boss, he can be considered a chaser as a type of boss. Being mostly sight based, as it seems he has pretty high vision range, with pretty good average hearing and no autochase, but an scare jumpscare effect that gives a speed boost and makes the player scream. His speed increase per difficulty is pretty high and different between difficulties, as on Normal and possibly Hardcore difficulty he seems outrunable as a Scout, but Insane to above he becomes really really fast. He has two attacks, both of them are aoes but he only uses them when he gets really close to you, one where he runs in place and smites you and another where he throws a lightning, while he may only use them when he gets close on Apollyon, he will use his attacks at any range as long as it’s in his sight! He can be melee stunned, taking up to 3 normal melee hits, being stunned for almost 2 seconds and dropping a small health kit.
This boss falls more into the meme side of the mod bosses and it’s a pretty enjoyable one, as many seem to enjoy a lot LTG quotes, afterall one of his iconic ones is an apollyon quote! Pretty fun boss to see time to time, will be interested in checking him out a lot more, whenever rng decides to give him to us out of the 14 mod bosses! The particle effects are amazing! A thing I was informed is that Nameless was the one who added the Insane background music, as in Demon Hamster (where he can be also found as well as mod boss) he only has his search/chase themes.
Playlist containing themes from the bosses!:
- If you wish to find specific music from the playlist, but are having trouble finding it, feel free to ask me in the comments for it!
LowTierGod search theme:
LowTierGod chase theme:
LowTierGod theme:
0:00 - LowTierGod | Normal Difficulty
4:40 - LowTierGod | Insane Difficulty | Round 1
8:17 - LowTierGod | Insane Difficulty | Round 2
15:50 - LowTierGod | Nightmare Difficulty
20:20 - LowTierGod | Apollyon Difficulty
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