Rihanna, Coldplay, Avicii, Kygo, Calvin Harris, Birdy, Alok, Chainsmokers Style - Endless Summer #18

Rihanna, Coldplay, Avicii, Kygo, Calvin Harris, Birdy, Alok, Chainsmokers Style - Endless Summer #18 #DeepHouse #VocalHouse #DeepHouseMix #AlanWalker #Alone Follow Queen Radio Youtube: @RuDeepRadio @heliosdeep236 @HuyDZOfficialMix Tracklist: Updating... 🌿Follow Deep Disco Records ➤ Spotify → () ➤ Apple Music → ( ➤ Soundcloud → ➤ Website → 🌿 Music by Deep Universe ➤ Link: 🌿 Video By: Gavin Beals ◉ Youtube: ◉ Instagram: 🌿 Video By: Gaëtan Piolot ◉ Youtube: ◉ Instagram: @gaetanpiolot 🌿 Video by Lilian Pang ◉ Website: ◉ Youtube: ◉ Instagram: ◉ Facebook: 🌿Videos by Juhani Sarglep: ◉ Instargram : ◉ Instargram : ◉ YouTube : ◉ Website : ◉ Photo by: Queen Radio ◉ Thumbnail by: Queen Radio ®️ Queen Radio ♦ If any producer, label, artist or photographer has an issue with any of the music or video uploads please contact us and we will remove your work immediately. Thank you! 🔔 We strive to find the best and most enjoyable music for you guys! We hope to make your days more beautiful with the music we share ! Peace love and music. I’m also a music producer, I’m working on this project ! 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h 💌 channel@ 💌 ✚ Please share this video in social sites (Facebook, Google , Twitter.) ✚ » Thank you for watching! Have a nice day! » Do not forget LIKE-SHARE-COMMENT For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.
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