Four Marines have been charged in Southern California with the execution-style killings of an Iraq w

(7 Nov 2008) HEADLINE: 4 accused of killing fellow Marine; wife --------------------------------------- CAPTION: Four Marines have been charged in Southern California with the execution-style killings of an Iraq war veteran and his wife. According to court documents, the men told investigators they robbed and murdered the couple after breaking into their home in search of valuables. (Nov. 7) ---------------------------------------- [Notes:ANCHOR VOICE] NB. THIS IS A VOICEOVER TRANSCRIPT, NOT A FULL SHOT LIST. (Winchester, CA) A HAPPY COUPLE BRUTALLY MURDERED INSIDE THEIR OWN HOME IN WINCHESTER CALIFORNIA. 24-YEAR-OLD MARINE SERGEANT JAN PIETRZAK AND HIS WIFE QUIANA JENKINS-PIETRZAK WERE FOUND BOUND, GAGGED AND SHOT IN THE HEAD. POLICE HAVE CHARGED FOUR MEN WITH DOUBLE OF WHOM ARE MARINES, TWO HAD WORKED WITH PIETRZAK. [[SOT]] [[SUPER: Henryka Pietrzak-Varga//Victim’s Mother]] “and i thought how did they monoxide they said no. they were shot. and i didn’t know anything. i didn’t remember anything for the rest of that night.“ [[VO]] [[TRACK]] IN NEW YORK HIS MOTHER REACTED TO THE NEWS POLICE HAD MADE ARRESTS. [[SOT]] [[SUPER: Henryka Pietrzak-Varga//Victim’s Mother]] “I don’t move on. i don’t move on at all. I’m a zombie.“ [[VO]] [[TRACK]] THE COUPLE WERE ALLEGEDLY MURDERED ON OCTOBER 15. THE HOME WAS RANSACKED, JEWELRY AND OTHER ITEMS WERE STOLEN. THE SUSPECTS TOLD AUTHORITIES THEY MEANT TO ROB JAN AND HIS WIFE. [[VO--PLEASE INSERT CAMP PENDLETON VIDEO HERE!!!]] THREE OF THE MARINES LIVED ON THE CAMP PENDLETON BASE. [[VO-PICTURES OF SUSPECTS.]] INVESTIGATORS BELIEVE LANCE CORPORAL EMRYS JOHN, 18, SHOT THE HIS CHARGES MAY BE ENHANCED. ALL FOUR SUSPECTS ARE BEING HELD WITHOUT BAIL AT THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY JAIL SERGEANT PIETRZAK’S MYSPACE PAGE IS FULL OF HIS HONEYMOON PHOTOS.. HIS MOTHER SHOWED A ’DOG TAG“ HER SON GAVE WITH THE YOUNG COUPLE’S PICTURE EMBLAZONED ON IT. [[SOT]] [[SUPER: Henryka Pietrzak-Varga//Victim’s Mother]] “they was very happy. they share a perfect love.“ [[VO]] JOHN MONE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, WINCHESTER CALIFORNIA. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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