Art Holds Summer Show Aka Art Shows At Royal Academy & Embankment (1965)

Title reads: “Art holds Summer Show“. Art shows at Royal Academy and Embankment, London. Zoom out from C/U of a painting of a toy shop by Peter Blake. Camera pans over to other paintings. M/S paintings. C/U “Vigil by the Marines“ by Cosmo Clark, camera zooms out. C/U “Winter Sunshine Chartwell“ by Sir Winston Churchill, camera zooms back to show other pictures by Sir Winston. C/U “Bottlescape“ and “Tapestries at Blenheim“. M/S paintings, in the middle is one of the Archbishop of Canterbury by George Bruce. C/U The Archbishop. Various shots different portraits of Queen Elizabeth II by Douglas Anderson and Norman Hepple. More shots exhibition, including John Bratby’s “Golgotha“. C/U two bohemian-looking bearded types. Various shots paintings on display on railings at Embankment. M/S paintings being covered because of rain. C/U woman putting up umbrella. M/S paintings being covered. M/S two men sheltering under plastic. M/S people walking by the paintings. C/U art dealer looking through ey
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