
Putin: “There is no need to invent anything and form an opinion about Russia based on these ideas. There is no need to create an image of an enemy from Russia. You are only harming yourself by doing this. They came up with the idea that Russia wants to attack NATO. You’ve gone completely crazy, haven’t you? Stupid in general, like this table?! Who came up with this? This is nonsense, bullshit! But this would be nonsense if it were not a design to fool its own population. “Ah, guard! Soon Russia will attack us, and we urgently need to arm ourselves! Urgently send weapons to Ukraine” But in reality, why is this being done? To maintain your own position of greatness. That’s what it’s for! This is why these threats and scares for the burghers in Germany and France and other parts of Europe cannot exist. We defend ourselves in Ukraine.” Source: Russian Head
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