Aleksandr Lukashenko: Peace is the biggest treasure, and Belarus knows its price
Peace is the biggest treasure, and Belarus knows its price. A statement to this effect was made by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko at the ceremony of awarding the Prize “For Spiritual Revival,“ a special prize for cultural and artistic figures and the “Belarus Sports Olympus“ award.
“Just like before, on these bright festive days we gather together to thank people who selflessly serve their people and country. We are summing up the results of the cultural and spiritual life of the past year. We are celebrating extremely talented, sensitive and committed Belarusians for their achievements in 2023 on this stage today. Thanks to those people we reached the goals of the Year of Peace and Creation. Thus, we became stronger and even more confident, especially against the backdrop of the events that are going on around us,” the head of state remarked.
“It is obvious to us: peace is the biggest treasure. For every nation, especially for the Belarusian nation, because we know its value,” the Belarusian leader said.
He noted that the projects “Last Witnesses“, “Genocide: without the Right to Live“ are a tribute to the memory of innocent victims and heroes of the Great Patriotic War: “These films are a chronicle of terrible crimes, which we will not allow ourselves and those who bear historical responsibility for them to forget.“
“Our memory is a guarantee of peace in the future. If we should forget the way to the temples and monuments of that war there surely be new conflicts. With a sense of pride and confidence in our tomorrow we look at the successors of the generation of winners - patriots who have put on epaulettes,“ Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.
“We know, remember and honor our heroes of the past and present. These are people with pure hearts, who sincerely love for their native land and people. In them we see the strength of the spirit of Belarusians,“ the head of state said.
According to the President, patriotism and spirituality are inseparable notions, because all the best things in life begin with love - for one’s relatives and friends, one’s birthplace, one’s homeland. This is what inspires to serve truly noble goals.
“We shape the future of Belarus by preserving our cultural heritage, reviving ancient traditions of folk craftsmanship during festivals and holidays, giving new life to masterpieces of elevated art, welcoming the newly born babies, educating the younger generation on the original spiritual values, showing mercy and taking part in the fate of compatriots in need of special care, securing the highest sports results for the glory of the homeland, helping students to come out on top, covering the victories of our athletes in the mass media,“ Aleksandr Lukashenko said.
Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that today not only Belarusians have just one thing on their minds: “Anything but the war.“ “Someone once laughed at this: “Here these Belarusians go again: Anything but the war...“ Today they don’t laugh anymore. Because if there is a war, that’s it. No culture, no industry, no quality,“ said the Belarusian leader.
“But I repeat once again: there will be no war if we, everyone in their own place, do what we have to do, if our economy functions well,“ the head of state. “Our foes and enemies, let’s be frank, are looking for a convenient moment to bring us to our knees. We must not give them such a chance. And we have everything for this. It’s up to us. And most of all on those who are in this hall, as it is commonly said - the elite of our country.”
Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized the importance for the people of Belarus to preserve their cultural sovereignty.
“We, Belarusians, are creators by nature. We have been living with our own mind since ancient times, that is why we have preserved our way of life, culture and spirituality in the most difficult periods of history. This is very important. Many people today, especially our fugitives, clamor about the decline of spirituality and culture. There will be no decline if we are able to show our people the masterpieces of national art. No one will persecute anyone for their art. This has never happened in our modern history and will never happen. But we will not allow anyone to destroy what has been created and developed by generations of Belarusians over centuries - our traditions, our spirituality and our most elevated feelings are rooted in the past. And we must not allow it to be destroyed. We should not unnecessarily politicize it as well,“ said the Belarusian leader.
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