US troops visit Maidenhead (1918)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Solly Joel plays host to a group of American troops, who entertain themselves by dancing and cheering for the camera Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: US Soldiers and Sailors ENGLAND: Kent: Maidenhead: EXT LV. Troops on deck of ship. (11ft) SV. Two pairs of troops dancing, watched by audience of soldiers & sailors. (22ft) SV. Mr. Solly Joel talking to a soldier & a sailor. (34ft) SV PAN. Cheering troops. (43ft) dance, cheer, waving, boats, Allied, soldiers, American, WWI, World War I, First World War, Great War, war Background: Solly Joel plays host to a group of American troops, who entertain themselves by dancing and cheering for the camera FILM ID: VLVAARCORSME2PWZH7EFFRED42AE To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by:
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