Looking for Embroidery Inspiration | THE HEART Pattern

The Heart embroidery is about what matters most to me, the things that live deep inside my soul: nature with all its beauty, its seasons, its mountains and rivers, its meadows and deep woods, its light and darkness. To design this pattern I got to stay a few days in nature at the cosiest cabin I know, with no internet connection, no music, and no people :) and I enjoyed it fully. I’ve connected with my inner self and got to meditate while embroidering by the river. 👉 The pattern is available in my Etsy shop 👉 👉 20% OFF code 👉 THANKYOUHEART The pattern is at an advanced level and it comes with helpful guidance in the download PDF files in case you are at an intermediate level and want to level up your embroidery skills. 🐝 FOLLOW ME 🐝 📷 Instagram: 📬 Newsletter: 🖼️ Pin
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