When Stars Outshine Galaxies

The amount of energy produced from the collapsing core of a massive star is pretty inconceivable. The mechanism that facilitates the creation and distribution of this energy is just as wild. If you’re like me you may have heard that Supernovae are the result of stellar masses “bouncing“ off the incredibly dense proto-neutron star core. Like many things in this world, reality is far more complicated. Special thanks to: - Dr. David Vartanyan for supply high def simulation footage and answering questions - Prof. Robin Jefferies for answering some questions and clearing up some misconceptions I had about the the Direct Urca Process and the collapse mechanism Sources/Further Reading: - Core-collapse supernova explosion theory: - Supernova Explosions: David Branch • J. Craig Wheeler - Understanding Stellar Evolution: Henny . Lamers, Emily M. Levesque - Exploding Superstars|Understanding Supernovae and
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