How does a Mouse know when you move it? || How Does a Computer Mouse Work?

You’ve probably used a mouse today. But do you know how it works? Check out for all kinds of PCBs, easy ordering, and quick delivery. Take a look at their PCB Assembly, for an inexpensive population of the components on your PCBs. In this video, we explore the different parts of a computer mouse and we’ll focus on the optical navigation system. Specifically, we’ll look at how exactly computer mice can track their movement on a mouse pad. Finally, we take a look at the difference between gaming mice and normal mice, and we explore DPI or dots per inch and how different mice have different amounts of DPI. Do you want to support in-depth engineering and technology education? Support us on Or Join us on YouTube Memberships: Website: Animation & Modeling: Mike Radjabov Modeling: Prakash Kakadiya Script: Teddy Tablante Twitter: @teddytablante Voice Over- Phi
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