Unlike Pluto - Rose Colored Lenses [Royalty Free]

YO!! So this is Rose Colored Lenses, it’s about how some people look at the world through “rose colored Lenses“, which means they look at the world through a positive lens. This isn’t always a bad thing, but ignoring what is actually happening in the world can sometimes lead to ignorance, and brushing real problems under the rug. I know I do this from time to time, just pretending things are ok, especially in 2020 lol. So I hope you enjoy the song :) - ALSO I have new t shirt, and planning new merch too, link below. AND Pumpkin Factory 3 next week :) 🖤Join my Discord community! - 🎧 LYRI...CS: Rose colored lenses They’re tinting my senses My altered memories Changing how I think Stuck in illusion It turns to delusion My life is like a screen Framing what I see Feels like i’m crawling Underneath, the truth I’m stalling
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