Public FreakOut

Updated news article report at 1300 hrs SGT on 16 Aug 2021. History repeating itself... In 1975, it was South Vietnam, in 2021, it is Afghanistan... (KABUL, REUTERS, BLOOMBERG, AFP, 16 Aug 2021) - Taleban insurgents entered Kabul on Sunday (15 Aug 2021) and Western-backed President Ashraf Ghani left Afghanistan saying he wanted to avoid bloodshed, bringing the Islamist militants close to taking over the country two decades after they were overthrown by a United States-led invasion. As night fell, local television 1TV reported that gunfire could be heard near the airport, where foreign diplomats, officials and other Afghans fled seeking to leave the country. Aid group Emergency said 80 wounded people had been brought to its hospital in Kabul, which was at capacity, and that it had restricted admission to people with life-threatening injuries. It was unclear where Mr Ghani was headed or how exactly power would be transferred following the Taleban’s lightning sweep in recent weeks across Afghanistan. The
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