“BREAKING: Israel’s Shocking Revelation That Sends Fear Worldwide“

Those who take the Bible at its word and see in it a literal fulfillment of the biblical promises for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel see the rebuilding of the Temple as a crucial aspect of the future. But what exactly is this temple? What does this have to do with the rapture? Christians have been waiting for Jesus to return and lead them to heaven for ages. There are, however, a lot of signs to get through first. The construction of a third temple is one of them. So in this video, we are going to talk about the “Ceremony for the THIRD TEMPLE has JUST HAPPENED!” The video is going to be amazing so make sure you stick to the end. The Bible declares a Third Jewish Temple will be constructed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and it will become a source of controversy throughout the world. Temple sacrifices will commence and the Antichrist will use outrage as a pretext to raise hate against the State of Israel. Utilizing this rage and the problems of the Middle East, the Antichrist will lead an army of invasion to capture the Third Temple and establish a demonic desolation of this holy place.
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