Making a double blade spinner lure / ダブルブレード仕上げのスピナールアーの作り方

I will make a spinner lure with two blades attached!. 2枚のブレードが回転して魚を引き寄せるスピナーをハンドメイドしました(・▽・d) [Material list] Stainless steel wire: Diameter . Treble hook: No.6 size. Glass beads: 6mm (DAISO). Brass weight: 3g (Tict/Bottom cop light). Small beads: 3mm. Lure clevis: No.2 size (SMITH/CL-2). Lure blade: No.2 size (Garage Bolster/GB-CB-NP-2). [Related Videos] *How to remove the inside tube of sinker and making spinner lure. Video URL: .
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