Engin Akyürek - When you came into my life - Scorpions (Sub. Español / Türkçe)
“When you came into my life“ (Cuando llegaste a mi vida) de Scorpions uno de los grupos favoritos de Engin Akyürek.
Engin Akyürek llegó a mi vida a través de la plataforma de Netflix con KPA.
Yo era totalmente nueva en el mundo de las series turcas, pero su calidad actoral me atrapó tanto que tuve que indagar acerca de todos sus trabajos.
A día de hoy los he visto todos y no me canso de verlos.
Engin sabe transmitir a la perfección toda clase de sentimientos, sus ojos humedecidos por el dolor, la profunda tristeza, la alegría, su alma, su risa...
Nos hace disfrutar de cada una de las escenas, nos enseñó a amar sus gestos, su expresiva mirada, su sonrisa, su carácter impulsivo…. En definitiva nos dejó encadenadas a Engin Akyürek
Gracias a él he podido conocer la cultura Turca y su bellísimo país.
¿Cómo llegó Engin a tu vida? Déjame tus comentarios.
“When you came into my life“ by Scorpions, one of Engin Akyürek’s favorite groups.
Engin Akyürek came into my life through the Netflix platform with KPA.
I was totally new to the world of Turkish series, but his acting quality caught me so much that I had to investigate all of his works.
To date I have seen them all and I never get tired of seeing them.
Engin knows how to perfectly transmit all kinds of feelings, his eyes moistened by pain, deep sadness, joy, his soul, his laughter...
He makes us enjoy each of the scenes, he taught us to love his gestures, his expressive gaze, his smile, his impulsive character... In short, he left us chained to Engin Akyürek
Thanks to him I have been able to get to know Turkish culture and his beautiful country.
How did Engin come into your life? Leave me your comments.
#enginakyürek #Scorpions #Rock
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