Creating a Mario Maker style game in Python

Creating a Mario Maker style game in Python with a level editor, transitions, enemy behaviour, animations, menus and a player camera. It’s a really chunky project. If you want to support me: (You also get lots of perks) Social stuff: Twitter - Discord - Timestamps: 000:00:00 - intro 00:01:48 - Introduction and editor 00:11:06 - Editor origin and support lines 00:45:47 - Changing the mouse cursor 00:49:32 - Creating the menu 01:43:36 - Creating the level tiles 02:11:56 - Level drawing logic 02:18:37 - Drawing the terrain 02:54:55 - Drawing the water 03:05:04 - Tile animations 03:24:17 - Deleting tiles 03:32:11 - Adding objects 04:11:13 - More on objects 04:23:19 - Previewing items in the editor 04:48:25 - Creating the editor sky 05:20:46 - Exporting the editor data 05:56:24 - Fixing some drawing issues 06:01:45 -
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