Synchronicity | Ashtanga Yoga Demo with Sonal and Sandeep Sharma
Today we double the inspiration, with a great yoga demo in total synchronicity. Watch sibling Sonal and Sandeep Sharma: two amazing yoga teachers from India demonstrating asana from Ashtanga Yoga Second and Third series in Pushkar, India.
The soundtrack has from some amazing chill out indian music.
Check out Sonal and Sandeep’s channel: @sonalsharmayoga
And also their instagram pages:
0:00 Indigo Lake by Pawan Krishna
3:15 Shiva’s Morning by Pawan Krishna
6:16 Eri Ali Piya Bina by Pawan Krishna
Hi everyone, welcome to my channel! My name is Alessandro Sigismondi and I’m here to share with you my journey of finding my true calling, following my passion, finding yoga, quitting my corporate job and becoming a full time phot