ALMA - AMERICA (Official video)
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Alma- America (Lyrics)
Maybe I should have worn my pink sweater
To make myself look better
But I thought you knew
Maybe i could have gotten there earlier
I could have talked to another
Man than you
But it was you
And you didn’t really seem to care
Behind your desk the power got in your head
You’re just doing your job
But it’s my life on the line
And in a blink of an eye
You might have ruined it
Why do you make it so hard
Why do you make it so hard
I don’t want to do you no harm
I just want to be closer
I just want to be closer to you
My dream, my dream
Was crushed in a second
You didn’t even give me a chance
To tell you about my family
My mother, my father, my sisters I haven’t
Seen them around for an eternity
You were my key to heaven
My ticket to the golden state
But instead you ruined it
3 weeks ago 00:07:35 4
Танец энергопотоков. Наталья Гришаева. Алма-Ата. Мир Универсологии
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Баланс 4-х Стихий гармонизации и целеориентирования после Форума МаЭД в Алма-Ате: Мир Универсологии
1 month ago 00:02:47 8
Участники Выставки Продукции МаЭД и межд. Форума в Алма-Ате, Казахстан. . Мир Универсологии