Star Trek TNG -- Servant of Evil

Season 1 Episode 23 Episode: “Skin of Evil“ After having survived a shuttle crash on planet Vagra II, Counselor Deanna Troi finds herself being held ransom by the sole life form that resides on that world; a malevolent entity called Armus, a creature that presents as an oil slick. Armus offers no regard or concern to the away team sent to rescue Troi, indeed after having existed for countless centuries in isolation what he apparently wants is to be entertained, subjecting the away team to his talents for torment and cruelty. With Commander Riker returned safely from his bizarre experience and the away team beamed safely aboard the Enterprise, it all comes down to Captain Picard’s ability to force Armus into a sustained rage; long enough for the strength of his hold over the crashed shuttle to weaken, thus facilitating Troi’s safe exit but not so long that Picard ends up getting himself killed by Armus lashing out.
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