Glowing Military Spectacle & Cuts (1926)

Full title reads: β€œGlowing military spectacle as colours of disbanded regiments are laid up in National Museum of the Castle St. Angelo after last parade before King Victorβ€œ. Rome, Italy. L/S of regiment of soldiers on horseback carrying flags marching up crowd lined street. M/S of King Victor Emmanuel III and Il Duce, Benito Mussolini, watching parade from platform with several Italian army officers and other dignitaries. L/S of troop of soldiers marching through a square. L/S of soldiers lining up in square. The soldiers hold out their regimental flags. L/S of Duce, King and dignitaries saluting soldiers from platform. Soldiers lift up flags and are seen entering the Castle Saint Angelo. L/S of castle with Italian Imperial flying from ramparts. Cuts / out takes start around 01:24:42. Various L/Ss of soldiers marching towards the castle. M/S of two soldiers standing either side of a wreath on a war memorial. Otherwise shots are same or similar to those in edited version of story. F
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