Sister Act- I Will Follow Him

[READ THIS] I’m not Catholic or Christian or Anglican or in any way religious. I just like the music. So you can take your screaming religious comments. negative or otherwise, and shove them up your asphalt. Performed by the nuns choir from St. Catherine’s convent. San Fransisco. (they’re all actresses) Conductor: Sister Mary Clarence Delores Van Cartier Whoopi Goldberg. This is the ending song from the 1992 film “Sister Act“. Lyrics: -I will follow Him Follow Him wherever He may go, And near Him, I always will be For nothing can keep me away, He is my destiny. I will follow Him, Ever since He touched my heart I knew, There isn’t an ocean too deep, A mountain so high it can keep, Keep me away, away from His love. I love Him, I love Him, I love Him, And where He goes, I’ll follow, I’ll follow, I’ll follow. he’ll always be my true love, my tr
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