How to QUICKLY texture in Blender with a free addon

I am trying to focus on optimising my render times, and using textures rather than pbr shaders seems to be the way to go. So I created a set of textures for the addon DreamUV to speed up the process of UV Unwrapping. Gumroad : There are 9 materials each with 4k textures for: - Basecolour - Emissive(Just black) - Height - Metallic - Normal - Roughness If you would like to download more assets, when out the rest of my Gumroad page, or sigh up to as everything is available there. Check out my Patreon for a bunch of resources DreamUV Free Download - Gumroad - BlenderMarket - NEW** Scifi Building Assets - Gumroad Kitbashing set v3 - Gumroad
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