"sage get off youtube"

Using my 200iq Sage Walls, I can win any game and rank up super easily! Using my Sage Wall and insane aim, I make all of my enemies rage and they tell me to get off of youtube and tiktok xD! My big brain sage plays are just too overpowered in Valorant! I swear Grim Walls are the meta and all sages should start using my sage walls and they will start to win games, maybe even more pro teams :O! I appreciate all of you that watched the video and don’t forget to check out my twitch below and Subscribe as I post everyday, Love you guys! // Twitch: Twitter: Discord: “sage get off youtube“ #valorant​​​​​​ #montage​​​​​​ #sagegetoffyoutube #Paranoia​​​​​ #sage​​​​​​ #grim​​​​​​ #valorantsage̴
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